During the KVBC General Members Meeting on 4 April last, the election of Best Novelty 2021 also took place.

The nominated plants were:
– Buddleja davidii ‘Botex 006’ (BUTTERFLY CANDY LITTLE RUBY)
– Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Jong 02’ (AFTER MIDNIGHT)
– Hydrangea paniculata ‘Breg14’ (POLESTAR)
– Hydrangea paniculata ‘LC NO12’ (LIVING PINKY PROMISE)
– Salvia ‘Bocofpea’ (FEATHERS PEACOCK)

After the voting by the members present, the winner was announced by Hans van Gemeren of the KVBC judging committee.

The title Best Novelty 2021 goes to Salvia ‘Bocofpea’ (FEATHERS PEACOCK).

FEATHERS PEACOCK is a beautiful, highly floriferous new cultivar. The plant is wide and more open than the familiar S. nemorosa; the grey-green leaves are strikingly deeply incised and give the plant a fine structure. The flowers are warm blue-violet and stand well above the foliage in dense clusters.

FEATHERS PEACOCK was won by Kees Jan Kraan on behalf of Boot & Dart Boomkwekerijen and entered by Gebr. Th. & W. Alkemade from Lisse for judging during the KVBC Spring Challenge 2021. The plant was also awarded the title of Best Novelty KVBC Spring Challenge 2021.