Salvia ‘Bocofpea’ (Feathers Peacock) was named best novelty during the KVBC Spring Challenge 2021. The jury called the plant unique and a bee magnet.

‘With the deeply incised leaves and the growth habit, it is a striking plant. The very rich and long flowering plant has a loose elegant habit, which differs from the well-known Salvia. The flowers are blue-violet and stand well above the foliage in dense racemes. The plant is widely applicable; in both the garden and public green spaces. A very versatile plant’, the jury deems. The plant was submitted by Gebr. Th & W. Alkemade in collaboration with Plantipp. Kees Jan Kraan is the breeder of the plant.

Eleven plants registered
Eleven plants were registered for the KVBC Spring Challenge, eight of which have been approved. Six plants received a medal, two gold and four bronze. KVBC chairman Helma van der Louw and Ronald Houtman, secretary of the KVBC Trial Committee, announced the winner on Friday 18 June.

Watch the jury’s verdict on the eight plants that were trialed and why Salvia Feathers Peacock became the ultimate winner in the video below.

In the video below, the 6 award-winning novelties are shown with their characteristics.

(bron – De Boomkwekerij)